Sponsor a Shabbat
Kiddush Lunch
June 2013
Jewish Standard D'Var Torah
Parshat Chukkat: Tragedy in a TripTik?
August 2011
Jewish Standard Cover Story
"Setting the Tone"
on Rabbi David Bockman's musical history with CBS and across the nation.
Congregation Beth Shalom has joined Boiling Springs Savings Bank’s Community Alliance Project. Please call the office for details. This is a very easy fundraiser for our Synagogue if you will participate.
Painless Temple Fundraiser—Supermarket gift cards are available for purchase in the synagogue office. For every $100 of gift cards purchased, the supermarket donates $5.00 to the synagogue. According to the U.S. Statistical Abstract, a family of four spends an average of $6280.00 per year on groceries. The benefit to Congregation Beth Shalom for the average family is potentially $314.00 annually. By participating in the supermarket gift card program, you have the ability to donate 5% of your grocery bill (average $314 net benefit) at no cost to you.
Buy A Brick Fundraising Campaign —Join us in perpetuating the memory of Rabbi Bernard Schecter and Mrs. Rina Schecter by purchasing an engraved brick in their memory. For more information, please contact the office at 973-835-3500
Pompton Lakes, NJ
Updated March 5, 2018
Shabbat Services Fridays at 8:00 PM and Saturdays at 9:30 AM
Oneg Shabbat after Friday evening services
Kiddush after Saturday morning service
Passover Schedule
1st Seder March 30, 2018 Friday night - candle ltg. 7:00PM
2nd Seder March 31, 2018 Saturday night - candle ltg. 8:01PM
March 31, 2018 9:30 AM Saturday
April 1, 2018 9:30 AM Sunday
April 6, 2018 9:30 AM Friday
April 7, 2018 9:30 AM Saturday - Yizkor
One Book, One Community (click for registration)
Meet the Author, Michael Solomonov
Zahav - A World of Israeli Cooking
Thursday, May 17, 2018
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Temple Israel 475 Grove Street, Ridgewood, NJ
Adult Study Class 10:45 AM every Thursday
Israeli Dancing 7:30 PM every Wednesday
Jewish Events Lists for Young Professionals App
Congregation Beth Shalom is about people! We offer a Jewish experience that will satisfy your every spiritual need.
Community - It all boils down to people and
relationships. Many of our members travel past two or three other synagogues for
the warmth of Congregation Beth Shalom.
About Us - We are a warm and welcoming synagogue with members of all ages and
levels of observance. Interfaith families and Jews by Choice are an integral
part of our congregational family
Programming - Congregation Beth Shalom is a full service Conservative synagogue with religious and social
events scheduled by the many arms of our synagogue. Download our Newsletter to
read about our many events and view our calendar
Rabbi - Rabbi David Bockman is a rabbi who maintains a tradition of strong
rabbinic leadership. Rabbi Bockman’s leadership brings a unique blend of
innovation and tradition. He is approachable and available to congregants both
young and old.
Staff - In addition to our rabbi, we have a full time staff, Hebrew School
teachers and dedicated volunteers who develop inspiring and enjoyable programs
for people of all ages.
Religious Services - Prayer at Congregation Beth Shalom is a warm communal experience. The
services are conducted by our rabbi and members of the synagogue, many of whom
take part on a regular basis.
Rabbi Bockman chanting
Blessings after
Facility - Our synagogue boasts a modern sanctuary, education center
and social hall suitable for weddings and Bar/Bat Mitzvot.
Havdalah Service video
Chanukah Menorah Lighting
Purim Dance (click to
Eva's Kitchen
Paterson NJ
Yom HaShoah Service
For the Six Million
Pompton Lakes "Stroll"
CBS Menorah Lighting
Chocolate Gelt was given out to the public
Israeli Dance Class
Wednesday nights at CBS
CBS is a proud member of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism